Biden to Nominate Anti-abortion Judge in Kentucky

CALL THE WHITE HOUSE TODAY! Stop Biden from nominating an anti-abortion judge.

It’s being reported that Biden plans on nominating Kentucky’s former solicitor general Chad Meredith, an anti-abortion advocate, to a federal judgeship in a bid to secure Mitch McConnell’s support for future Biden nominees.

This is an unacceptable response by the president. Business as usual is out the door. No deals that give away the rights of people in this judicial district. No!


• Call the White House TODAY and tell Biden: do NOT nominate Chad Meredith or any other anti-abortion person to a judgeship EVER. 202-456-1111

• Call our U.S. Senators and tell them to tell Biden that they will not vote to confirm Chad Meredith or any other anti-abortion person to a judgeship EVER. Capitol Switchboard 202-224-3121

• Work as hard as we can to make sure that pro-choice senators remain in control of the Senate so that no deals have to be struck with anti-abortion legislators on federal judgeships after the November midterm elections.

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