The forces of reaction have made it clear that they do not think everyone should have the right to vote. By chipping away at voting rights over decades and particularly this last year, they have worked to corner the market on voting to help politicians choose their voters instead of voters choosing politicians. They have used deception and the good will of the people to do so. We must take a stand and demand that our leaders #FightForUs by using the power given to them by the office they hold and that has been given to them by the collective power of the vote.
On Monday, Sen. Schumer will bring #ForThePeopleAct to the floor of the senate. We have two asks of you for Monday: Let your senator know that you want them to use the power they have to do the needed to pass this bill and that they should eliminate the filibuster to do so. We have a short script and a longer script. Please set aside time to use one of them to call both Sen. Warnock and Sen. Ossoff on Monday, June 21st. Your calls will give them the wind at their back to do the job required. Senate switchboard:(202) 224-3121
Common Cause has a nice explainer on the bill. We hope you’ll read it.
Indivisible has an explainer on ending the filibuster – we hope you’ll read that as well.
We will have a couple of other asks of you a little later this week, but for Monday, June 21st, we need to act as we did to save the ACA. Give them the opportunity to go to the senate floor or talk with their colleagues and say that their constituents are calling them with diligence.
Short script: My name is _____________ I am a constituent in zip code_______________and I am calling today to ask Senator_________to use his power to push forward the For the People Act and end the filibuster. I am concerned about the state of our democracy and our freedom to vote. Thank you for letting the senator know my concerns.
Longer script: My name is _____________ I am a constituent in zip code_______________and I am calling today to ask Senator_________to use his power to push forward the For the People Act and end the filibuster. I am particularly concerned about efforts across the country to circumvent democratic norms and election laws and that the filibuster has been used to do that. Ending the filibuster will give us the ability to protect our democracy and to move our country forward. I am concerned about campaign finance reform, partisan gerrymandering, and corruption that much of the For the People Act addresses. Georgia cannot wait. Thank you for letting the senator know my concerns.