We have accumulated calls to action for this week that need your immediate attention. Please use the links included in each C2A. The time sensitive include healthcare access in Georgia as the governor seeks to establish a healthcare exchange for consumers that can only help insurance companies, two calls regarding The Heroes Act, and a call from CAIR regarding repeal of The Muslim Ban that need your comments today. These actions will take only a few minutes so we hope you will have a cup of coffee and engage the content for about 20-30 minutes of civic engagement. Feel free to leave us a comment when you’ve completed the actions.
Healthcare Access in Georgia
We have until Thursday to make comments on a waiver submitted by Gov. Kemp that has potential to dismantle healthcare.gov and the protections for consumers granted by the Affordable Care Act. For a full explainer, please see our call to action from last week.
Please consider attending the public/virtual hearing on the 22nd at 10 a.m.
Make comments no later than the close of business on July 23rd.
No Shutoffs a letter to sign from the Georgia Sierra Club
Tell the members of the Georgia Public Service Commission to reverse their decisions by blocking Georgia Power and other gas utilities from shutting off essential services and raising rates. Remember to add a personal message saying why this matters to you.
Support Students at Oconee High School who are asking for a name change of their high school mascot by signing this petition.
Muslim Ban – Call to action from CAIR – Please urge your member of the U.S. House Representatives to vote “YES” for the NO BAN Act (H.R.2214) – a comprehensive bill repealing the Muslim Ban. The act has been scheduled for a floor vote in the House on Wednesday, July 22.
Justice for Breanna Taylor – A list of things you can do. Recommend to start during the weekday in order to be able to make a few calls to the governor of Kentucky, Rand Paul, and Mitchel McConnell. Complete as many items on the list as you can and share the link to this campaign so that other people can complete it too.
The Heroes Act
We have two calls here: one from Indivisible that is a more comprehensive call and one that singles out the critical needs for families who will soon face eviction. We need to speak up clearly and with urgency on all fronts.
From Indivisible: The coronavirus crisis is not going away, and will continue to impact our lives for the foreseeable future — and the Senate still has refused to move the Heroes Act forward. There are no excuses for the inaction of the Senate. Call your senator today and urge them to pass the Heroes Act ASAP.
The Senate’s lack of action on the Heroes Act puts struggling renters at great risk. The House is bringing forward the “Emergency Housing and Protections Relief Act of 2020 (HR 7301) that includes critical housing and homelessness resources. Please visit this page with the National Low Income Housing Coalition to submit your comments.